Professor Greg Malham offers a comprehensive private practice in neurosurgery, specialising in spine surgery, based in Melbourne, Australia.
He began his training in his hometown of Christchurch, New Zealand in 1982, graduating in 1989 from the University of Otago with MBChB (Distinction) and prizes in both surgery and medicine. Moving to Melbourne in 1997, he continued advanced training in Neurosurgery, gaining his Fellowship of the Royal College of Surgeons (FRACS) in 2000.
Prof. Malham underwent post-graduate training in the UK working at the Southern General Hospital in Glasgow – a world-renowned neurosurgery unit. He gained advanced skills in brain tumour, trauma and complex spine neurosurgery.
He is recognised as one of Australasia’s premier spine surgeons, with extensive experience in all aspects of spine surgery particularly: minimally invasive spine surgery; image guidance and robotic assisted surgery; total disc replacement in the cervical and lumbar spine; anterior, oblique, lateral and posterior interbody fusions; spine trauma and spinal tumour surgery.
Prof. Malham specialises in all sports-related spine injuries for elite athletes particularly in AFL, rugby union, rugby league, tennis and horse racing.
Appointed as Adjunct Professor of Spine Surgery Research and Surgical Innovations at Swinburne University, he also to his credit, has over 60 peer-reviewed publications and 4 book chapters on spine, trauma and brain tumour surgeries. He lectures nationally and internationally on all aspects of spine trauma and degenerative spinal surgery regularly.
Prof. Malham is the Senior Spinal Neurosurgeon in the Neuroscience Directorate, at Epworth Richmond, and along with his specialised team, is dedicated to his career.

Contact Us
Monday to Friday
9.00am – 5.00pm
*This may vary on occasions or the rooms may be briefly unattended.
All Rights Reserved | Greg Malham, Neurosurgeon, BSc MBChB DMed FRACS